'Following' Tab Coming to Instagram Reels, Show More Specific Video Content

2 min read

Instagram platform social media that has many users around the world.

Starting from children, teenagers, to adults, not a few have Instagram accounts.

In order to maintain its existence, Instagram does not stop innovating for the sake of innovation.

One form of innovation that is routinely carried out by Instagram is to update the features in the application. 

Various kinds of features that exist on Instagram itself are often updated from time to time.

Since it was first released in 2010, there have been countless updates Instagram has launched.

subsidiary Meta is rumored to have plans to update the Reels .

According to a report by Social Media Today , Reels will have a new tab coming.

The new tab that will be present in the feature that will be released in Indonesia in mid-2021 is ' Following '. Read more below. 

Tab Following in Reels serves to display short video created by other users who are followed.

This is different from the usual Tab Reels which will display all video content randomly.

Through the Following Tab, users can find out video content posts from other users who are followed in more depth or specifically.

An overview of the presence of Tab Following on Reels can be seen via a Tweet uploaded by app researcher, Salman Memon .

Meanwhile, Instagram is reportedly testing Tab Following on Reels.

The trial itself was not carried out globally, but was limited to Instagram users in India only.

In the future, it is not impossible that the Tab Following Reels trial will be held in more countries.

As for the time of its release, Instagram has not provided any information until now.

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