How to Complete Dragon Slayer COC Achievements

2 min read

complete the Dragon Slayer achievements by overthrowing the Giant Dragon in the game Clash of Clans . I've also been playing for years and recently found out how.

I thought in the past, we have to kill the electro blue dragon, electric, lightning, electro, or fire red dragon in the enemy's clan castle base, but after I did that nothing happened. What should the mission be? What should I do? Tell me to do what? What do you have to do before you can do it? A million questions on my mind.

Turns out, it turns out, it's very easy and we're the only ones who aren't really looking for it. Here below I show a picture before the achievement was completed.

How to Complete COC Dragon Slayer Missions

1. Display achievements before they are completed. 

2. Display achievements that have been completed and get 50 gems. 

Picture one above is the location of the intended mission, the star is still empty.
While the second picture is ticked.

And here's how to meet the stars on the mission:

  • game COC your
  • Tap the Attack menu!

  • Tap the Single Player , scroll down, select the location Dragon Attack on the goblin map. 

  • Then attack the Giant Dragon, overthrow him! 


That's the way, you don't have to be three-star average, the point is that the dragon must die. You can use Archer troops whose level is rather large and then combined with poison poison spell spells to defeat the big Dragon. Or assisted by the hero queen pemana and the big guardian as well as the royal champion to make it faster.

Thus the article on How to Complete the COC Dragon Slayer Achievements Hopefully it will be useful for clashers, yes. 

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