People Often Misunderstand The Meaning Of These 10 WhatsApp Emojis, Don't Get It Wrong Again!

3 min read

The use of emoji when chatting on WhatsApp can describe emotions and feelings quickly and practically, even to lighten the mood.

Moreover, sometimes people have difficulty or are embarrassed to describe what they are feeling, especially when chatting about sensitive or embarrassing issues.

So emojis are a safe and acceptable solution, because when using the WhatsApp application, it's incomplete if you don't use emoji.

Chats accompanied by emojis become more expressive and colorful. Emojis also have many specific expressions or moods.

However, not a few people who use emoji actually misinterpret the meaning of the emoji. 

Although it is commonplace that an emoji has various meanings and meanings, depending on the purpose of the user, in fact some emojis have original meanings quoted from the site.

Although many emoji are quite often misinterpreted, this is considered no problem because the actual use of emoji depends on the atmosphere and interpretation of each user.

So what are the emojis that are often misunderstood, here is a list of emojis and their real meanings.

1. Prayer hands emoji

One emoji that is often misunderstood is a praying hand. Even some users use it as a "high five".

But actually the emoji named "folded hands" is interpreted as a Japanese-style symbol of apology or even showing gratitude for food. 

2. Surprised face emoji

This emoji is often used by users as an expression of surprise because it has a yellow face with its mouth and eyes open.

But actually, this emoji shows the expression of someone who is silent. 

3. Woman emoji with hands up 

Many use this emoji as a ballerina emoji because the gesture of his hands is above his head like he is going to dance ballet.

Reporting from emojipedia, the meaning of the woman with hands on the emoji is actually meant as an OK symbol or a girl making an OK sign with her hands.

This is the OK symbol commonly used by Japanese people. 

4. Face emoji with two palms open

This emoji is often encountered and used by users for expressions of welcoming something.

Actually there is nothing wrong, but as reported by emojipedia, this emoji has a meaning as an expression of hugging someone, giving support, to gratitude. 

5. Emoji Face X

This emoji is depicted with a yellow facial expression with X-shaped eyes and a gaping mouth. This makes the user interpret this emoji as a dead expression. 

However, as reported by Cheatsheet, this emoji is named "Astonished face" which means a surprised face. So the character is actually meant to be a “surprised face” or someone who is being astonished.

6. Open hand emoji

The open hand emoji is often interpreted as someone ignoring something or someone.

But the real meaning is that this emoji actually shows someone who is open to something, even an expression regarding hugs. 

7. Stressed face emoji

This face emoji is often used to show the expression of someone who is stressed or worried about something.

But this emoji is actually meant to express someone who is confused. 

8. Emoji with waterdrop face on top

This emoji is often used to show sadness because it is supported by a sad facial expression.

But actually this emoji has a meaning to express someone who is stressed, afraid, or in pain. The water droplets above illustrate that he is breaking out in cold sweat. 

9. Emoji face emitting smoke

This emoji is often equated with the expression of an angry bull. So many users also use it to express anger.

But actually this emoji is called "Face with a look of triumph" which is an expression that describes a victory.

10. Whining face emoji

This face emoji is generally used by users to express someone who is whining or wanting to scream.

But actually this emoji describes a tired facial expression. 

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