Performing at Java Jazz Festival 2022, Endah N Rhesa Tells His Struggle During the Pandemic

2 min read

Duo Endah N Rhesa is back on stage at the Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz Festival (JJF) in 2022. Having the opportunity to talk with us, Endah N Rhesa also shared stories about their struggles as musicians during the Covid-19 pandemic, Jzeeys.

In 2022, the international music festival, the Java Jazz Festival , managed to attract attention after being canceled during the Covid-19 pandemic. Of course, many musicians – both international and local – are eagerly awaited by music lovers on stage.

One of them, namely Endah N Rhesa . The duo who performed the song When You Love Someone performed on the first day of the JJF 2022 event, Jzeeys.

Different from JJF in previous years, now Endah N Rhesa appears with the Extended format. Well, Endah N Rhesa Extended with the formation of EAR performed with other musicians such as Kamga, Agustin Oendari, Jeane Phialsa, and Nanin Wardhani.

Hey, are you one of the people watching Endah N Rhesa at JJF 2022 or not? 

Struggle Endah N Rhesa's Story Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic

Well, a few hours before the gig at JJF 2022, Jzeeys and the The Newbie Group team had the opportunity to have a fun chat with Endah N Rhesa you know !

In addition to telling about preparations for a gig at JJF 2022, Endah N Rhesa also shared how she struggled as a musician during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Endah, during the pandemic, she felt there was a kind of culture shock . “(We) have to face a new culture. Both in music and in social interaction," said Endah.

The woman whose full name is Endah Widiastuti explained that the limited way of interacting, the many new rules, and new cultures during the pandemic was enough to shock her so she had to slowly adjust.

Even so, she and her husband, Rhesa Adityarama, still try to think positively during the pandemic.

“We are typical who always bring everything into a positive way,” - Endah N Rhesa, Musician

Endah N Rhesa also continues to take lessons from the 2022 pandemic, which has limited his activities as a musician. The couple, who has been married since 2009, is still trying to be productive in the music industry during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Starting from making songs, to developing Earhouse. Meanwhile, Earhouse is a cafe built by Endah N Rhesa in the Pamulang area, which is also a place for musicians to perform and talk at events such as the Earhouse Fresh From The Oven Talkshow Festival.

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