These are the 4 Special Features of FaceTime for Uninterrupted Video Calls

2 min read

FaceTime has become one of the most popular applications for making video  calls or voice  calls on iOS, Android, Mac, and iPad devices.

FaceTime offers clear and stable call quality according to the user's internet connectivity.

Apple also continues to improve the FaceTime feature through iOS and macOS updates.

iOS 15 and macOS Monterey bring a number of new features and modes you can use to help get the most out of FaceTime calls.New features and modes in FaceTime allow users to make video or voice calls without interruption.

Well, this time Jeezy will share 4 tips to maximize FaceTime calls on iOS 15 and macOS Monterey. Come on, see more! 

1. Center Stage

The Center Stage feature rolled out last year before the release of iOS 15.

This feature uses machine  learning that is able to focus the camera's focus automatically on the user even though the user is moving. 

With this feature, the Ultra Wide camera will keep the user in the frame.

This feature is very suitable for use when users make presentations using a whiteboard or the like.

Currently the Center Stage feature is only available on iPad and Studio Display. 

2. Enable Voice Isolation

Users can receive calls quietly in a crowd with Voice Isolation mode.

Voice Isolation mode centers the microphone to specifically highlight the user's voice.

Apple also uses machine learning to identify distracting sounds and block them. 

3. Optimize Wide Spectrum Mode

Wide Spectrum Mode uses the mic on the user's device to bring ambient sound into calls.

This feature is perfect for musicians or someone who wants to hear everything that is happening in the user's surroundings.

This mode can be activated with all devices with A12 Bionic chip or later.

4. Mute Alerts

Mute Alerts will remind users to unmute when they are talking.

This feature basically uses a microphone to detect the user's voice and warns if the user makes a sound while it is still muted. 

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