Netflix has grown into a movie streaming service that people around the world are interested in.
Starting from children , teenagers, to adults, not a few who like Netflix shows.
In order to maintain its existence, this platform from the United States continues to innovate.
One of them has just been done, which is to confirm the release of a new feature called " Mystery Box ".The announcement was distributed by Netflix through page official website
Based on the information in the official announcement, the Mystery Box feature is useful for recommending shows.
However, the recommended shows will be more focused on children's shows.
The Mystery Box itself is a new way introduced by Netflix to find content that is suitable for children .
That way, parents will no longer complain about having a hard time finding the right Netflix show for their kids.
Unfortunately, Netflix did not explain the mechanics of this Mystery Box feature.
Therefore, it is not known whether recommended viewing is random or based on the history of the shows the child is watching.
Later, new feature will be available exclusively on the profile of children (Kids), to be precise on the right side of the Netflix Home Screen.
Meanwhile, Netflix has actually introduced a similar feature for adult users.
Through a feature called "Play Something", users can get viewing recommendations from Netflix.
The Play Something feature itself presents recommendations based on the user's Netflix viewing history.
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