URBNX Introduces Millennials, Gen Z, and Alphas to the NFT World

2 min read

URBNX, a digital platform community, was launched at URBNX Studio City Walk Elvee, Lippo Village, Tangerang, Banten, Saturday (19/6/2022). Packaged in an activity called the Xtact Event, the event is packed with light discussions to invite the younger generation to get to know the community and digital assets that cannot be exchanged ( non-fungible tokens /NFT).

URBNX is a platform for young people, namely Millennials, Gen Z, and Alphas, to connect with people who share the same aspirations, ideas, dreams, and opportunities to make an impact for a better life.

Leader Windi Goutama said, the productive young generation plays an important role in providing change and making innovations. However, in reality, not all of them actually take real action, due to lack of access or ignorance to get started.

“There is URBNX to support his works. So, it's not just young people who follow a lifestyle , but have works and make an impact to improve their lives and benefit many people," said Windi.

According to him, the Xtact Event will be held every Saturday. Meanwhile, in the next two weeks, two different themes will be presented, namely on Saturday, June 25, and Saturday, July 2, 2022.

In the future, URBNX will focus on three areas, namely creative, technology, and new economy . URBN X believes that creativity can give birth to innovations and new ideas that will bring good to society.

"We will focus on these three areas because they are passions and pillars that are in great demand by Millennials, Gen Z, and Alpha," he said.

URBNX believes that creativity, technology and the new economy will improve the way people do things and in many ways improve many aspects of life.

"By being part of URBNX, Millennials, Gen Z, and Alpha, Indonesia has the opportunity to become a young generation who has an impact for a better life," added Windi. 

NFT content creator and artist Kinur admits that many young people are enthusiastic about knowing and getting into the world of NFT. With educational support from content creators, they are expected to have a positive impact. They will also be able to get enough information to dive into the world of NFT.

Kinur, who is active in creating several digital visual works as NFT, also appreciates URBNX's efforts to introduce the NFT digital platform to the younger generation. Moreover, many of them are actually interested in wrestling, but still have doubts.

"Through this event, we hope to introduce NFT to the public, especially young people, so that this digital platform can develop and become a leading platform in the future," concluded Kinur.

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