Launched in 2021, Wilov offers Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) treatment services, trackers , and various educational content related to women's reproduction and health. Currently, nearly 50,000 women across Indonesia have become users of the Wilov application.
Wilov Co-Founder Ivana Wiyono said women play an important role in the health system, because 80% of family health decisions are usually held by women. In addition, women themselves are now increasingly emancipated and independent in maintaining their health.
"Therefore, we want to be the best health friends for Indonesian women by understanding their needs in every phase of life, and having a dialogue with medical personnel to identify the right solutions that we can offer," said Ivana, via virtual conference , Tuesday (5/7/2020). 2022).
Wilov, continued Ivana, uses medical-based calculations to provide basic analysis for users. However, it is not only limited to the prediction of the menstrual cycle and fertility, the Wilov application can also analyze the symptoms experienced by the user and their relationship to the symptoms of certain diseases.
"This allows users to check themselves and get a medical diagnosis as early as possible to take preventive care ," said Ivana.
Ivana said, as a start-up company that is only one year old, Wilov strives to develop its business effectively. One way is to participate in the Startup Studio Indonesia (SSI) incubation program Batch 4, which is organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo).
One part of SSI is a golden opportunity for 1-on-1 mentoring, where participants can discuss and gain knowledge directly from more senior startup practitioners. The Wilov team put this session to good use, where they not only had a dialogue about business, but also mental development as founders startup
“SSI is really focused on the challenges ( pain points ) we found in the journey of building Wilov. We have learned a lot from the experiences of the founders who have gone through this phase. All the stories and tips from Ittalo Gani & Zahra Damariva (Impactto) really opened a new perspective for us,” added Fillian Witarsa, Co-Founder of Wilov.
After participating in SSI Batch 4, Wilov plans to continue to provide women's health education, health services, and treatment focused on several conditions that are often experienced by women of reproductive age in a holistic, safe, and comfortable way.