Kominfo Investigate 55 'Fake' Applications Using Google & WhatsApp Names

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Kominfo Selidiki 55 Aplikasi ‘Abal-abal’ Pakai Nama Google & WhatsApp
Kominfo Selidiki 55 Aplikasi ‘Abal-abal’ Pakai Nama Google & WhatsApp
There are local application developers who register PSE under the names Google and WhatsApp, and are located in Sumedang. Kominfo will investigate these 55 platforms, and then take them to court.

The Ministry of Communication and Information ( Kominfo ) investigated 55 Electronic System Operators (PSE) who registered with 'fake' data, including using the names Google and WhatsApp . If there are indications of malicious intent, Kominfo will take it to court.

Based on Jeezy's , there are 284 foreign PSEs and 8,693 domestic PSEs who have registered.

The Director General of Information Applications at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan said 55 of them registered with incorrect data. “Some use the name Google for listings. This is 'crazy'," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Friday (29/7).

Kominfo will investigate the PSE's motive for registering using inaccurate data. "Is it a game or there are indications of crime," he said.

Semuel had said that if PSE entered false data for criminal purposes or disrupted registration, Kominfo would take firm action. "Later we will look for the person, up to the IP address. Then we will take him to the police," said Samuel.

Previously, there were four local entities that registered PSE on behalf of Google, namely:

  1. PT Internusa Continues Jaya registers under the name “Google (Kleaner Indonesia)”
  2. CV Citra Lestari registered under the name “Google”
  3. PT Nirah Digital Media registered under the name “Gmail and Google Drive for Google Sheets and Google Word”
  4. CV Daun Jati registers under the name “Google”

There are local entities with addresses in Sumedang and Bali. 

Then, there are two entities that register under the name WhatsApp, namely:

  1. Kurnia Hasibuan Arisma registered under the name "WhatsApp Business"
  2. PT Mandito Digital Teknologi registered under the name “www.whatsapp.com”
PSE registration is contained in Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, and Minister of Communication and Information Regulation Number 5 of 2020 concerning Private Scope PSEs.

PSE registration can be done through the Online Single Submission (OSS) that has been prepared. 

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