MDRT Day Indonesia 2022 is also a form of support from MDRT Indonesia for the development of the life insurance industry. This time it will be held in a hybrid way (offline and online), with the theme Together We Rise, and will be held on July 28, 2022.
Committee Chair of MDRT Day Indonesia 2022, Kennedy Sumarlie explained that this year was the first time MDRT DAY Indonesia was held in a hybrid manner after the pandemic, using the Round Table concept in accordance with the philosophy that MDRT first gathered using a Round Table in America in 1927.
By being held in a hybrid manner, it can still reach all regions in Indonesia which have been constrained by distance and cost to be able to attend. This year, it is targeted that the number of online participants can reach 6,000 participants, and only 200 offline participants.
Kennedy said, with the excellence of the speakers, it is hoped that the participants can get many benefits and the best ideas so that they become a productivity booster throughout 2022. “MDRT is not only about personal selling, it also teaches about leadership as part of a career. Therefore, this seminar is also open to all walks of life,” added Kennedy.
The speakers at MDRT Day Indonesia 2022 are mostly professional agents who have been MDRT members for more than 10 years, both local and international speakers.
The main platform featured 6 speakers including: Carol Kheng, Secretary of the Executive Committee of MDRT Global 2022, Private Wealth Consultant specializing in estate planning especially for high-net-worth individuals; Sandro Forte, TOT member for 25 years, bestselling author of “Dare to be Different” and has helped many financial planners in more than 80 countries succeed with his unique approach; Felicia Putri Tjiasaka, an investment storyteller and analyst in the capital market industry for about 5 years and also a content creator and co-founder of with a focus on improving financial literacy and supporting financial independence of the Indonesian people; Ferdie Darmawan, a financial entrepreneur, best-selling author of the book “Busy Investors”, owner of a digital insurance agency business with an annual turnover of more than Rp. 100 billion and more than 5,000 distribution partners throughout Indonesia; Henry Januar, Chief Henry, owner of the FUNNANCIAL literacy brand, founder of FIRMA PELESTARIAN HARTA INDONESIA as the first and only firm to provide financial assistance for Indonesian individuals with their products, BOOK PANDUAN HARTA and Manmohan, a senior financial advisor and COT member with Chartered Financial certification Consultant (ChFc), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Shariah Registered Financial Planner (RFP Shariah) and also certified as Chief Insurance Agency Manager (CIAM) from LIMRA.
In addition, there will be 6 other speakers for MDRT Speaks who will provide brief ideas on management practices and marketing strategies. This year, MDRT also presents a Focus Session where there are 3 speakers who will share experiences on how to achieve top performance, newest sales ideas, MDRT habits and also effective strategies that have been proven to be successful.
And for the second time MDRT Day Indonesia presents a TOT Speaker session, we call it TOT Talks or Top of The Table Talks, who are the best practitioners and people in the life insurance industry, who actually reached the Top of The Table level during the pandemic. Of course this will be a valuable inspiration for offline participants.
The ticket price is IDR 1,250,000 for offline participants, and IDR 320,000 for online participants. Registration and registration has been opened and can be accessed directly through