Kick off Laga Persebaya Surabaya Vs Persita Berpotensi Berubah |
The kick off Persebaya vs Persita Tangerang opportunity to change.
According to the schedule, the match at Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium (GBT) will be held on Monday (1/8/2022) at 20.30 WIB.
Polrestabes Surabaya suggested that the 2022 Liga 1 match should not be held at night.
The consideration is a matter of vulnerability.
"We have received a letter from the Polrestabes. We have forwarded it to PT LIB," said Yahya Alkatiri, Persebaya to Jzeey , Thursday (28/7/2022).
Actually Persebaya had time to PT LIB regarding the kick off schedule at night.
Persebaya considers players' health and vulnerability at night.
However, PT LIB ignored the protest from Persebaya .
"If the security forces have given advice like this, it will not be followed. This is also related to licensing," said Yahya.