Teleglobal and Kacific Complete Mobile Backhaul Service

3 min read

Teleglobal dan Kacific Selesaikan Penyediaan Mobile Backhaul Service Skala Besar
Teleglobal dan Kacific Selesaikan Penyediaan Mobile Backhaul Service Skala Besar 

Kacific Broadband Satellites Group (Kacific) partners with PT Indo Pratama Teleglobal (“Teleglobal”) to complete the provision mobile backhaul services for telecommunications operators with wide coverage in Indonesia. This collaboration has succeeded in connecting hundreds of locations throughout Indonesia for 4G services on high-throughput over the past year.

The huge need for mobile backhaul driven by the Government's goal to connect 3T (Front, Outermost, Disadvantaged) areas in Indonesia. The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) together with the Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) conducted a tender for a large telecommunications company to build nearly 8,000 BTS by the end of 2022.

"The telecommunications industry in Indonesia is expanding its network and increasing capacity to meet the rapidly growing demand for data from the Government and in general from the Indonesian people," said Candra Bramono Indianto as Director of Teleglobal in a written statement in Jakarta, Thursday (7/7).

Candra continued, with Kacific's latest satellite technology, Teleglobal can connect BTS very quickly to supply telecommunications companies. This supply is accompanied by a large volume of bandwidth and higher availability in terms of quality of service at a competitive cost.

Kacific offers Teleglobal the flexibility to move capacity across multiple beams and deploy capacity based on needs across different networks. The resulting speeds of up to 85Mbps can be achieved using a small VSAT terminal integrated into the telecommunications cellular network.

“We are impressed by the Kacific team, who have provided the integration of a very complex network and ensured the process runs smoothly,” added Candra Indianto.

The Kacific1 satellite provides wide coverage throughout Indonesia from the tip of Sumatra to West Papua. Many telecommunications companies in Indonesia have joined using mobile backhaul service , including in Papua New Guinea and Kiribati.

“Working with Teleglobal allows us to leverage their expertise in Indonesia to connect more people in rural areas through mobile backhaul service ,” said Brandon Seir, Chief Commercial Officer of Kacific.

Teleglobal, explained Brandon, uses throughput Ka-Band Kacific's high

By early 2022, there were around 370 million cellular connections in Indonesia, equivalent to 133 percent of the total population1. Many people use cell phones for both work and personal purposes, therefore the number of connections is often higher than the total population.

The total time Indonesians spend on retail applications has skyrocketed from 2 billion hours in 2019 to nearly 5.6 billion hours in 2021, an increase of 180 percent. Time spent on the top 20 video streaming apps also surpassed 27 billion hours in 2021, an increase of 93 percent since 20192.

To ensure equitable access to 3T areas in Indonesia, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) through the Indonesian Information and Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) has distributed funds to cellular operators to deploy 4G BTS in rural areas. 

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