In addition to suing Blue Bird, Elliana is also suing Metro Jaya Police Chief Fadil Imran and former National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri. So, who exactly is Elliana Wibowo?
Elliana Wibowo as the plaintiff for Blue Bird is known to be not a random person. Quoting CNBC Indonesia, Tuesday (2/8/2022), Elliana is the daughter of the late. Surjo Wibowo, one of the important figures of the taxi service provider company. In addition, he is also the brother of Blue Bird Commissioner Gunawan Surjo Wibowo.
In the company's official documents it is stated that the company was founded in 1965 by the late. Mutiara Fatimah Djokosoetono and her two children, namely the late. dr. Chandra Suharto and Purnomo Prawiro who are the controllers of Blue Bird and at the time of the IPO served as president directors of the company.
The involvement of Elliana's father began in the 1970s when Alm. Mutiara Fatimah Djokosoetono, CV Lestiani and the late. Surjo Wibowo together with several of his business partners established PT Sewindu Taxi (changed its name to PT Blue Bird Taxi - "BBT"). CV Lestiani itself is a company founded by three children of the late Ibu Mutiara, the late. Chandra, Purnomo, and Mintarsih A. Latief.
Around the early 1980s to early 2000s, several shareholders in BBT sold their shareholdings, which was followed by the sale of shares in several other companies which were purchased by the family of dr. Purnomo Prawiro and the late dr. Chandra Suharto.
The rift in Blue Bird began to occur in 1990, with Mintarsih starting to concentrate on his company Gamnya Taxi. In mid 2001 or after a year the mother died, dr. Mintarsih A. Latief is said to have resigned of his own free will from CV Lestiani.
Previously, Elliana sued Blue Bird and a number of other parties for Rp 11 trillion. Elliana admitted that she had not received dividends for 10 years from Blue Bird and felt that her rights as a 15.35% shareholder had been harmed as a result of this.
Elliana also admitted to being physically and psychologically abused at the Blue Bird General Meeting of Shareholders on May 23, 2000. However, this case was stopped following the issuance of Telegram from the Head of Sergeant Sergeant of Polda Metro Jaya No Pol.TR/20/2001 dated August 4, 2000.
"Civil losses suffered by Mrs. Elliana Wibowo as a Plaintiff as a result of a series of physical-psychic violence events whose investigations were stopped and the dividend was not paid for 10 years and six months which qualified as material losses amounted to Rp. 1.36 trillion, and immaterial losses of Rp. 10 trillion," wrote the Legal and Advocacy Team Founder of the Blue Bird Group representing Elliana.
There are several points submitted in the lawsuit with case number 677/Pdt.G/2022/PN JKT.SEL. For example, Fadil Imran and Bambang Hendarso Danuri were sued for committing acts against the law that hindered the justice of the plaintiffs. Meanwhile, Blue Bird Taxi and Big Bird were sued because both parties obstructed the plaintiff's rights as shareholders of the company.
In addition, ACCUSED I to ACCUSED IX (Bambang Hendarso Danuri, Fadil Imran, Blue Bird, Big Bird, Blue Bird Taxi cs) were asked to pay jointly and severally for immaterial losses of Rp 10 trillion trillion.
Another point of the lawsuit, states that the security confiscation of his shares in Defendant I in Blue Bird is valid and valuable in the amount of 284,654,300 shares and the house located on Jl. Brawijaya No. 46, Kebayoran Baru Baru, South Jakarta and Jl Kemang Timur Raya Number 34 on behalf of the defendant.
Then, Blue Bird Taxi, Big Bird and Blue Bird jointly and severally paid compensation of Rp. 1.363 trillion with details, namely dividend payments of Rp. 1.234 trillion, plus an interest of 10% per year for 10 years and six months of Rp. 129.588 billion.