Here is a post that introduces 9 apps that make money. AppTech means that you receive money by installing an app on your smartphone and performing a specific action. Certain movements include walking, not using a smartphone, reaching a goal, and using a smartphone. It is difficult to make enough money using AppTech to make money as a mainstay. You can approach it to the extent of earning a snack price or just taking time between commuting and working hours .
In the Toss pedometer, you can earn up to 140 won by walking up to 10,000 steps. You receive points when you receive them, but they can be exchanged one-to-one for real money, so it is the same as cash. 10 won for 1,000 steps, 10 won for 5,000 steps, and 20 won for 10,000 steps are added. If you have accumulated more than 5,000 won, you can withdraw immediately without any fees. Here you can click on ads, take a fortune quiz and earn extra points with brand cashback and more.
Money-making app 2. Cash Walk
Cash Walk is also a pedometer app . It can be said to be the beginning of a money-giving pedometer app. We provide 100 caches per day, 1 cache for every 100 steps. If you walk 10,000 steps a day, you get 100 cash. The collected cash can be exchanged for gift cards that can be purchased for drinks, chicken, pizza, etc. at the cafe. There is also a quiz to make money here, and if you solve the quiz, you can get 10-50 cash. You get paid in lieu of watching advertisements masquerading as so-called quizzes. Since this app is an early app, it takes up a lot of memory, which reduces the performance of the smartphone and drains the battery quickly.
Money-making app 3. Walk-on
a work temperature pedometer app . You can participate in monthly challenges to receive prizes, coupons, gift certificates, and more. It is an app created to activate walking in daily life. It analyzes your steps by time of day and day of the week, and you can receive prizes when missions are accomplished. Schools and companies conduct challenges for their students and employees, and recently, major local governments mainly run challenges for local residents. There are also many challenges that large corporations and government offices conduct for donation challenges or marketing purposes.
Money-making app 4. Naver MyPlace
At one time, restaurant reviews were the best marketing to attract customers. However, it has also become a target of distrust because of fake reviews that post reviews pretending to have been there without going there. That's why it's a receipt review . Naver MyPlace is a receipt review service that rewards you with points if you attach a photo of a receipt for visiting a restaurant and leave a review. 50 won for the first visit and 10 won for a second visit.
Money Making App 5. V Reviewer
This is an app that gives you money when you post a video review . Indent Corporation's V-Reviewer shares revenue by posting a video review after purchasing a product. When people who view your video review purchase a product, you are rewarded with money for contributing to the sale. You can get rewards of up to 7%.
Money Making App 6. You Can Do
launched by motivational platform . This app helps students achieve their goals in fields related to self-development, such as studying foreign languages, reading, health, and hobbies. provided as When the funds are accumulated, they can be exchanged for gift certificates or coupons.
Money Making App 7. Time Spread
It is an app that pays you just to install it without doing anything. Spec Up Add's time spread accumulates 1 cache for every 10 minutes of non-use of the phone . If you set a target time and succeed, you can get more rewards. So some people install this app on the air system and earn cash. You can also enter an answer through a quiz or open the box of the day to receive a random cash after viewing an ad.
Money Making App 8. Time Cash
It is an app that earns cash only if you are using a smartphone . Time Cash can accumulate 25 caches per hour. There are events where you can receive additional cash every hour, mostly by lottery.
Money Making App 9. Tube Cash
It is an app that gives you money when you watch a video . Depending on the amount of time you watch YouTube, you can receive cash from Tube Cash. Also, if you watch content for a certain amount of time, a chest will appear, which you can open to earn additional cash. In addition, cash roulette comes out once every hour, and if you spend 500 cash to spin the roulette, you can accumulate up to 1500 tube cash. This cash can be exchanged for gift cones or Google Play Cards.
I made a post introducing 9 apps that make money above. Please be careful as you may install a malicious app when you open the app to try AppTech. Please download the app from regular markets such as Google Play, One Store, and Galaxy Store. Get rich!!