The Ministry of Communication and Information Searches for Leaked SIM Card Data that Turns Out to be Similar to the Original

2 min read

Kemenkominfo Telusuri Data SIM Card Bocor yang Ternyata Mirip Aslinya
Kemenkominfo Telusuri Data SIM Card Bocor yang Ternyata Mirip Aslinya
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics conducted a search for the suspected leaked SIM Card data which turned out to be similar. 

The Ministry of Communication and Information ( Kemenkominfo ) continues to investigate the source of the 1.3 billion SIM Card data that was allegedly leaked and sold on hacker forums.

The Director General of Applications and Informatics Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan found that the sample data uploaded by the perpetrators were similar to the original data, although they were not exactly the same as a whole.

For this reason, he claimed that his party had coordinated with cellular operators, Dukcapil, BSSN, the Directorate General of PPI of the Ministry of Communication and Information, to the cybercrime team of the Police. 

"We have coordinated. In conclusion, the leaked data are not the same but there are some similarities," he said at a press conference in his office, Monday (5/9/2022).

Semuel emphasized that every data manager has a system that complies, so that until now his party is still looking for the data that is suspected to be leaked, considering that this is ecosystem and cross-sectoral data.

According to him, based on the free sample data provided by hackers, namely there are 2 million data that can be analyzed, the result is that 15-20 percent of the sample is valid. 

Semuel said this was the organizer's fault, but he did not specify who the organizer was.

"Once again, that is the responsibility of the organizers, not Kominfo," he said.

Nevertheless, Semuel emphasized that data managers must continue to comply with applicable regulations such as the ITE Law. Related to this, the data manager is given time to confirm and check whether the leaked data originates from their system. 

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