Wendy Walters Talks About Tiredness in the Middle of Reza Arap's Cheating Issues

2 min read

The household of Reza Arap and Wendy Walters is being hit by oblique issues. Reza Arap is rumored to be having an affair with another woman.

Rumah tangga Reza Arap dan Wendy Walters sedang diterpa isu miring. Reza Arap diisukan selingkuh dengan perempuan lain.  Wendy Walters melakukan quote retweet terhadap cuitan netizen yang memberikan tanggapan soal isu perselingkuhan Reza Arap.  Wendy menyindir apakah ada alasan yang cukup bagi seseorang untuk berselingkuh ketika sang istri sudah berusaha melakukan yang terbaik. Ia juga menyindir bahwa kunci hubungan yang baik itu adalah komunikasi, bukan malah selingkuh.
Apa iya ada alasan yang cukup menjustifikasi perselingkuhan di saat perempuan sudah berusaha jadi istri yang baik, diam di rumah dan enggak macam-macam?" cuit Wendy lewat akun @_Wendywalters.

Wendy Walters retweeted a quote from a netizen who responded to the issue of Reza Arap's infidelity.

Wendy insinuates whether there is enough reason for someone to have an affair when the wife is trying her best. He also quipped that the key to a good relationship is communication, not cheating.

" Is there a sufficient reason to justify infidelity when women have tried to be good wives, stay at home and don't do anything? " tweeted Wendy via the @_Wendywalters account.

" Are you tired of being able to heal with a f*ck around? Isn't the key to a relationship that is communication? Not a f*ck around? " Wendy continued.

Jessica Grandia has obtained Wendy Walters' permission to quote her tweet. 

Wendy Walters' tweet is a form of response to a netizen's tweet that said Reza Arap's cheating must have had a cause.

" I'm neutral. In my opinion, if it's true that cheating is true, there must be a reason. We don't know what happened to Arap until he cheated on him. Guys, for example, are hurt all the time, aren't they tired ," tweeted a netizen via the @txtdrnar account on Tuesday (20/9).

" But I also don't condone infidelity. It's just that if you're just playing with a girl friend, I think it's okay. Unless you do new negative things ," he continued

For additional information, Reza Arap's photos have disappeared from Wendy's Instagram account. Based on JessicaGrandia at 12.10 WIB, there are no more photos of Wendy and Reza Arap together on their Instagram account.

Wendy's social media pages are only filled with personal photos and photos of her with a number of friends.

However, there is still one photo of Wendy and Reza Arap that is still kept, namely her wedding photo. Wendy had changed the caption or description of the photo in the photo.

Wendy taunts her husband by thanking him for the trauma given.

" F*ck around? Thank you for the trauma ," Wendy wrote in the caption for her wedding photo in English. 

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