YLBHI and LBH urge the state to take responsibility for the disaster on October 1, 2022 at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, this is the demand

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The number of victims due to the October 1, 2022 disaster at the Kanjuruhan Stadium , Malang Regency, East Java continues to grow. As of Sunday afternoon, October 2, 2022, it was reported that 185 people had suffocated due to tear gas fired by the police.

YLBHI dan LBH Desak Negara Bertanggungjawab Atas Petaka 1 Oktober 2022 di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Ini Tuntutannya
Pihaknya menilai bahwa tindakan aparat dalam kejadian tersebut bertentangan dengan beberapa peraturan sebagai berikut 
The tragedy during the Arema FC vs. Persebaya match also invited the concerns of many parties. In a joint press release, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation ( YLBHI ) and the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute ( LBH ) asked the state to be responsible for the October 1, 2022 disaster at the Kanjuruhan Stadium , Malang, East Java.

The death toll is the second largest in the world in the history of football matches, after a similar tragedy in Peru a few years ago. In records, the tragedy of the Estadio Nacional, Lima, Peru in 1964 which killed 328 people.

In a press release signed by Muhamad Isnur ( YLBHI ), Habibus Salihin (Head of Advocacy Division of LBH Surabaya) and Daniel (Coordinator of LBH Surabaya Pos Malang), YLBHI and LBH regret the tragedy .

"We express our deepest condolences for the loss of life and injuries in the tragedy that occurred at the Kanjuruhan Stadium which occurred after the completion of the Arema vs Persebaya football match on October 1, 2022. We received reports that up to 07.30 WIB, there had been there were 153 fatalities from this incident," said the joint press release.

From the start, the committee was worried about this match and asked the League (LIB) for the match to be held in the afternoon to minimize the risk. But unfortunately the League refused the request and continued to hold matches at night. 

The match went smoothly until it was over, until then a riot broke out after the match where there were supporters who entered the field and were then dealt with by the authorities. In the video circulating, we saw that there was violence carried out by the officers by hitting and kicking supporters on the field. 

When more and more supporters came to the field, the officers then fired tear gas into the stands, which were still full of spectators.

"We suspect that the use of excessive use of force through the use of tear gas and inappropriate crowd control is the cause of the large number of fatalities," he said. 

The use of tear gas that was not in accordance with crowd control procedures resulted in supporters in the stands jostling for the exit door, shortness of breath, fainting and colliding with each other.

This was exacerbated by the overcapacity of the stadium and the big match which was held at night, which forced all interested parties to undertake a thorough investigation and evaluation of this match.

Even though it is clear that the use of tear gas is prohibited by FIFA. FIFA in the Stadium Safety and Security Regulation article 19 states that the use of tear gas and firearms is prohibited to secure the crowd in the stadium. 

His party considered that the actions of the officers in the incident were contrary to several regulations as follows:

  • Perkapolri No.16 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for crowd control.
  • Perkapolri No.01 of 2009 concerning the use of force in police actions.
  • Perkapolri No.08 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Human Rights Principles and Standards in the Implementation of the Duties of the Indonesian National Police.
  • Perkapolri No.08 of 2010 concerning Procedures for Cross Changes and Ways of Acting in Riot Management.
  • Perkapolri No.02 of 2019 Concerning Riot Control

Therefore, based on the above considerations, we consider that the handling of the apparatus in controlling the crowd has the potential to lead to allegations of human rights violations with the death of more than 150 fatalities and hundreds of others being injured.

Therefore, we state our position:

  1. Condemning the repressive actions of the apparatus against the handling of supporters by ignoring various regulations, especially the implementation of the POLRI's Human Rights Principles;
  2. Urge the State to immediately conduct an investigation into this tragedy which resulted in 153 fatalities and injuries by forming an independent investigation team;
  3. Urge Kompolnas and Komnas HAM to examine allegations of human rights violations, alleged violations of professionalism and the performance of members of the police on duty;
  4. . Urge the POLRI Propam and POM TNI to immediately examine allegations of violations of professionalism and the performance of TNI-POLRI members who were on duty at the time of the incident;
  5. Urge the KAPOLRI RI to carry out a firm evaluation of the tragedy that occurred which took the lives of both the supporters and the police;
  6. Urge the State cq. The relevant Central and Regional Governments are responsible for the loss of life and injuries in the tragedy , Malang. Kanjuruhan

That's the press release with YLBHI and LBH addressing the riots that killed hundreds of supporters at the Kanjuruhan Stadium , Malang, East Java.

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