Recent Earthquake, North Tapanuli Sarulla Market Burned Due to Electric Shortage

1 min read

The fire at Sarulla Market, North Tapanuli, was allegedly caused by an electrical short after an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0.

Kebakaran di Pasar Sarulla Tapanuli Utara, diduga diakibatkan oleh adanya konsleting listrik pasca gempa yang terjadi dengan kekuatan 6,0 magnitudo.
Gempa Terkini

After the earthquake in North Tapanuli, the market building in Sarulla, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra caught fire at 06.30 WIB, Saturday (1/10/2022).

The fire is thought to have been caused by an electrical short after an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 on Saturday (1/10/2022) early in the morning.

The red rooster devoured the Sarulla market building with great flames, this made a number of residents only watch from a distance. 

From Daniel Fernando's statement via an upload on his Twitter account (@nandoe_73) it was revealed that the chronology of the fire occurred in the morning, after the electricity was reactivated which had been disabled due to the earthquake at 03.00 am.

In addition, there is a tweet belonging to @paltiwest which shows the condition of roads in North Tapanuli that were cracked and split after the earthquake that shook the local area.

The earthquake also caused the collapse of a number of residential houses. As reported by @ucok_frido in a Twitter post. There is a wall in the front of the house that collapsed and scattered items due to the earthquake.

This was also expressed by a tweet from @Nupnew22, in which in his upload there was a video showing a resident's inn which was destroyed after being shaken by an earthquake. 

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